Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This post is what it says...a recipe for guacamole.  Random, I know, but I have been exhausted recently and was rather rocked by news of a health scare last weekend in the family that could have turned out much worse, and it's been occupying my thoughts a lot.  Thus...GUACAMOLE!

So much healthier than any other chip dip around, and easy to make.

Here's what you do:

Scoop out 2 ripe avocados into a bowl
chop up a handful of fresh cilantro
finely chop some red or spanish onion (optional)
add the juice of a full lime
add a sprinkle of coarse salt
add about 1/3 cup of jarred or fresh salsa (or chop up some fresh tomato)
finely chop up 1/2 or a full jalapeno pepper (also optional)

squash and mix

It's not rocket science, but it tastes amazing, and because I made some tonight, I thought I'd share!


  1. sounds good, maybe this is something that you should let your husband know about when you make it.

  2. says my husband who was upstairs playing computer games all night and was clueless about my goings on...
