Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Party ON, little goobers!

Appropriate to post this note on volleyball night - my women's volleyball team name is Party On, and I will be heading there to watch, potentially one last time, as a pregnant woman.  Soon enough, I will be carting along at least one little squirming one to watch my great friends play one of my favourite sports.  Get them acclimatized as early as possible, ya know?  I'm actually hoping to be able to spare and play at least a couple times after xmas and this season, but the team - likely quite appropriately - guessed that I would be 'out' for the season with plenty to occupy my free time!

So yes...these little ones are still rockin' it out in my belly.  They are moving, kicking, hiccuping and shifting often throughout both day and night, and still seem to have room to move and grow.  As of last Friday, we are past the 36 week mark, and a scheduled C-section is planned, but not until November 3, at almost 39 weeks.  I negotiated that one with the doctor, who wanted to go sooner.  I just think we can go the distance, and think nature should be allowed to take it's course, you know?  Unfortunately, that course seems to indicate a breech presentation for Baby A, which means an automatic C-section, whether in labour or not.  Dang. 

But you never know - the longer we go, the longer I give her to decide to move around and get ready, right? Maybe the ice packs, the music down low, the flashlight technique etc. will start working and she'll migrate down, but I'm not holding my breath.

I am, however, enjoying the 'party in my pants' as it were!!!

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