Just back from a late-nite jaunt to IKEA. Hmmm...the evening of the first day school, university and other educational institutions = not the best night to go! But that's okay, 'cause this Mommy to be has been scoping out her purchases for a while now. Where did I get the energy? From my afternoon NAP. That's Z-Z-Z-Z folks, and it felt great.
Being off work is an odd feeling, but there is so much to do that I have a lot of distractions. It was funny though that my first fully-formed thought this morning was of work and something I forgot to mention before I left! I successfully avoided emailing and diving back in, though. They will figure it out, right?
So this week. I am thinking of it as a mix of fantasy and reality. Part of my week (see IKEA note above) will be spent in the dreamy, fun, highly expectant planning of the twins' arrival. As I decorate the nursery and buy little odds and ends to finish things off, I will be imagining what it will be like to have them here, home, cuddling against me, blinking and waving their little fists...you know...the best of the best of times.
I will also be immersed in no less than three trips to the hospital for a barrage of tests and appointments. This, of course, the reality.
This morning was super fun....the dreaded
glucose test. And not the first one, nooooooo.....I FAILED that one, necessitating a second, more in depth and uncomfortable test (can I just say that throughout this pregnancy, I have failed more tests than in the rest of my life combined?) that requires 12 hours of fasting, then drinking a sickeningly sweet 75g of glucose orange syrup, then sitting for an hour, nauseous with the sugar, followed by a blood test, followed by another one hour wait and another blood test. And no, you are not allowed to drink water, walk around or otherwise do anything other than sit. I finally got to eat at about 12:45pm today.
The other appointments? Our regular 2-week ultrasound and doctor appointment on Thursday, and then an in-depth fetal echocardiogram ultrasound at CHEO Friday to look for any issues with either of the twins' hearts.
On the menu for Thursday is a discussion about induction, scheduled c-sections and all the planning to come. After our meeting with the neonatologist last week, we discovered that it MIGHT be adviseable (contrary to the word that we had gotten from the doctors up to now) to schedule an induction. This would guarantee all hands on deck at the precise moment we need them for Baby B's care. While the 'on call' system is apparently excellent, it would be best not to take chances. BUT the dilemma for me is that I want to take both babies as far as possible in gestation, so...when to schedule this? Toss in the fact that these two little goobers have been breech for most of the last three months, and the focus on inducing labour might be a moot discussion, and a scheduled C necessary. I'm resigned to this possibility (while still hopeful that vaginal delivery could still happen) and see the potential pluses to this, not the least of which being the fact that a scheduled C would be the least tiring of the options, allowing Mom and Dad to cope a bit better with the stress of what is to come after the babies arrive. So...yeah...I want to have a good discussion about what we might wish to do moving forward.
echocardiogram is being conducted both as preventative but also because babies with
CDH can often have issues with their heart, due to displacement and pressure. From what I understand, having all those organs squished up there in that small space means the heart is pushed to the side to make room, and it can affect the blood pressure/flow and also the development of the heart. We are hopeful that nothing is amiss...
Aaaaand....basement renos continue. On the menu tomorrow/Thursday is framing to prepare for the electrician. Looking forward to having this come together also. Kinda tired of living in chaos in various parts of the house. Will be nice to have double the living space soon...when this is done, I can have some fun decorating and designing the playroom space down there. More fantasy and imagining...
And meanwhile? The babies continue to play trampoline with my bladder and paddy-cakes through the belly with Mommy.