Monday, April 11, 2011

Blog posts from the shadows of a new Mommy mind

The unexpected has happened.  Both my girls fell asleep for a nap at the same time today, and given the moodiness of the day (and the fact that Daddy is home today so HE agreed to clean out the tub - I suspect because he wanted to try out our 'Magic Eraser' bought for just such a purpose recently *hmmmm....perhaps this could be a strategy moving forward to solicit more housework from said husband...*), I decided it was once again time to tackle my mountainous list of thank yous to send out. In doing so, I uncovered a list of blog post titles I took the time to jot down in the first days after the twins were born, in the perfectly naive hope that I would ever have the chance to sit down and write them out for posting.  I find the list a pretty funny read:

1. Milk - the Mini-Series (featuring the Nipple Ninja)
2. What Gas Leaks are Good Things (I actually wrote this one up - so proud)
3. What the F**k is a Woombie?
4. No two stories are ever the same (stories of CHEO, parenthood, and life)
5. Three! Three GLORIOUS Poopies!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
6. The P-Bomb has detonated, leaving few survivours (still hope to get this one written up someday)
7. Goober, Fussy McFussesalot, Sweet Pea, Cutiepie and Sweetheart
8. Phantom Belly Tales and Other Creepy Things (I reference this in a recent post)

What's in your tomb of unwritten prose?  How many blog posts have you conceived of, but not executed?  Started but not finished? Wanted to do, but were afraid they were too revealing/personal? you self-edit?

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