Monday, August 16, 2010

Anyone for a top 10 list?

So, I thought it was time to share, REALLY share, some of the insights I have gleaned (or am living through) on this wacky road to motherhood.  Perhaps you can relate.  If not, perhaps you can learn, laugh or feel uncomfortable, 'cause really?  This process is CRAZY.

So, without further ado, here is my list of top 10 'interesting tidbits' related to my twin pregnancy.
*WARNING* - the following list may be shockingly personal, but good for a laugh or two also.

  1. At only 25 weeks my pelvic bone area started feeling (and still feels) as if it was the day after a night of crazy, rough sex (i.e. very bruised). I told my parents this, and then realized they could be asking themselves how I know what that feels like...
  2. When you have two babies, both positioned with their feet down, you realize quickly that your bladder is more like a fun, cushy kick pillow than a formerly well-functioning organ of your body.
  3. My nipples are massive purple targets.  The babies will have to be blind not to see them.
  4. I'm shocked, but I have no stretch marks yet.  I have been using natural belly butter and oil products, and they seem to be working.  That said, with three months to go, and being of the ripe age of 38, surely they will start creeping in soon? (oh, and as an call your product "Whale Oil"?!?  Really.)
  5. I can't get off the couch.  Or, at least not in one motion.  I shuffle forward in about three stages and then use my arms to get me up and off.
  6. My Mom, well before we found out that Baby B has a diaphragmatic hernia, gave me a Mayan "Worry Free" pregnancy doll pictured here.  I rub this doll's little belly often and make a wish for a successful outcome to all of this.
  7. Swimming in late pregnancy saves you.  Buy a pass, and go feel weightless for a while.  Seriously. (and if you can do this in the summer at an outdoor pool?  Alls the better)
  8. I have amazing family and friends.  Their love, support, generosity and willingness to help seems endless, and I know I will need to lean on them, possibly for months or longer. It's amazing to know that if you fall, there are a myriad of people to catch you.  It had to be said.  Thank you.
  9. You know your relationship is solid when you are pregnant, and you become closer to your husband than you have ever been.  You know your relationship is ubersolid when you are faced with losses, complications and fear of the future and this, too, brings you even closer. 
  10. Being pregnant is amazing...beyond description...and I am truly blessed.

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